
I enjoy advising young researchers, managing and guiding them, fostering interpersonal relationships, and exchanging thoughts on research. I have supervised five undergraduate thesis groups (20 students) in their final-year thesis projects, where they worked on text summarization, question answering, low resource nlp and representation learning, gaining the ability to independently solve problems in their research projects under my guidance.


In my research journey, I have recognized the importance of collaboration. Alongside my B.Sc. supervisor and colleagues, I have worked with researchers from various institutes. Notable collaborations include Dr. Gias Uddin (York University, Canada), Dr. Anindya Iqbal (BUET) and Tahmid Hasan (BUET) on an accepted SE paper for ASE 2023. I also had the privilege of working with Dr. Md. Hasanul Kabir (IUT) on a Bengali toxic comments classification paper that received the best paper award in ECCE 2023. Additionally, Dr. Hasan Mahmud (IUT) and I collaborated on two papers related to the semi-supervised recipe genre categorization task. Currently, I am actively engaged with Dr. Rifat Shahriyar (BUET) in exploring knowledge augmentation for open domain question answering. Moreover, I have made significant contributions to a funded project involving Dr. Md. Shahriar Mahbub (AUST), co-authoring one paper and being the first author on another, focused on Bengali fake review dataset preparation and benchmark classification systems development.


Competitive Programming

I derive pleasure from competitive programming, solving over 1000 problems on various online judges. Throughout my four years of undergraduate studies, I actively participated in multiple Inter-University and ACM ICPC Regional programming contests. Post-graduation, I served as a programming contest trainer and coach for three years at my alma mater, mentoring eight to ten programming contest teams. Additionally, I contributed as a problem setter and judge in various contests. Find the details below.

(a) Problems Solved

(b) Contests Participated

(c) Problem Setter & Judge

(d) Programming Contest Coach & Trainer
